李小龍在1964年開始進行靜力訓練,而他的訓練計劃是取材於著作Functional isometric contraction system a completely new system of training.1961 by Bob Hoffman Foundation 這亦是他的其一主要訓練。
李小龍會用一種叫POWER RACK 的器械進行一天一次,動作維持6-12秒,共8種類的複合關節訓練
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1. Press Lockout
Set a bar in the power rack at about three inches below the position your arms would lockout in a bench press. Push up against the bar like you're doing a bench press, with your hands shoulder width grip.
2. Press Start
Set the bar at about chin altitude, right where the bar starts from, and push up against it like you're starting a bench press. Use the same body and hand position as in 1.
3. Rise on Toes
Place that bar at shoulder height (when standing) in the power rack. Tensing your body, get under the bar and push up by flexing your ankles and rising up on your toes.
4. Pull
Set the bar about six inches down from your hip altitude (while standing). Rise on your toes slightly and pull up on the bar with all your might!
5. Parallel Squat
Place the bar in the position it would be in at the bottom of your squat with your thighs parallel to the floor. Squatting down and getting your shoulders under the bar, push upward with your legs and butt.
6. Shoulder Shrug
Set the bar up in the power rack at hand altitude when your arms are fully extended downward. Grasping the bar with hands at shoulder width, shrug your shoulders upward as much as possible.
7. Dead-Weight Lift
Set the bar at about two inches below knee altitude. Bending over at the hip and bending your knees slightly, grasp the bar and pull upward as if you are in the middle of doing a deadlift.
8. Quarter Squat
Place the bar at about 4 inches below the altitude it would be at if it were on top of your shoulders, as if you were doing a squat. Get under the bar, as if your were about a quarter of the way down into your squatting position
From there, get the bar over your shoulders. Then, push upward with your thighs and glutes (butt muscles).
來源:The Art of Expressing the Human Body 作者:Bruce Lee