2010年12月3日 星期五



6.) To Gain Arm Size, You Must Increase Your Overall Muscular Bodyweight.


Arm size is directly related to overall body size. A 160-pound bodybuilder is not going to have 19-inch arms. Many people fail to realize that the way to bigger arms is to increase overall muscle mass by concentrating on the major muscle groups, the chest, back, and legs.

手臂的尺寸與全身的肌肉量有關。一個160磅 的健美選手不太可能有19吋的手臂。許多人並不知道增加手臂尺寸的方法就是要先增加全身的主要肌群肌肉,包括胸部、背部與腿部。

The time and energy people waste pumping away at their arms should be spent on developing the major muscle groups.


People also tend to ignore the fact that the biceps and triceps are heavily involved when working the major muscle groups.


7.) Don't Be A Counter.


Many people get caught up in the numbers game when they go to the gym. If you are performing a set and you know how many reps you have performed, then you are being a counter. How can you have total focus on the movement and the muscle being worked if your mind is busy keeping track of how many reps you've done? The answer is you can't. It's ok to have a target to shoot for before you start your set, but let a spotter or a training partner count the reps so you can concentrate on the muscle and the movement.


8.) The Abs Are No Different Than Any Other Bodypart.


You don't need to work your abs any more than any other muscle. The good ole abdominal crunch is all you really need to do. If you want to add resistance, grab a plate and stick it behind your head. And doing abdominal work until the cows come home won't make your abs visible. The only way to get visible abs is to get rid of the fat around your waist.


9.) Warming Up Means That You Warm Up.


Many people waste a ton of energy warming up - energy that could be used for "real" work sets. For example, say the top squat weight for the day is 400. The person might normally warm up as follows: 135x10, 225x10, 315x10, 365x10. This is a waste of not only time, but energy. A better scheme would be: 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1. The work set weight of 400 could probably be moved up to 420 because the person is no longer burned out from all the warmups.


10.) When You Start A New Movement, Start Out Slow.


A new movement means that the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are going to be subjected to a new stress. Don't jump to the maximum weight you can handle on the first workout. For most people, this is a prime time for the mortal enemy of common sense to rear its ugly head, EGO. Don't let your EGO get the best of you, because in this instance it often leads to injury - injury that takes you out of action a much longer period of time than the time waiting a workout or two to kick the new movement into high gear.

新的動作代表肌肉、肌腱與韌帶將要面臨新的刺激。而不要把重量在一開始就調到最大。對大多數人而言,這是常識裡的重要敵人出現的時候,那就是自尊。不要讓你的自尊領頭,因為這樣通常會讓你受傷。而受傷的話就會讓你有更長的時間無法進行動作這比你多花 一兩 次運動去練習來說更不值得。

Remember, before you start looking to science for answers to your training woes; try the common sense approach to your training. Using common sense as your guide in your training will seldom steer you wrong.


Bill Piche,



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