2014年3月29日 星期六

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 高強度間歇訓練(2) 為何會WORK?

HIIT高強度間歇訓練(high intensity interval training, HIIT)(以下內容皆出自PTT。)

Burning Debate 燃燒脂肪吧
Science is dropping the hammer on endless bouts of steady-state cardio, if you're looking to get totally peeled without burning through muscle mass,shorter-duration, high-intensity interval training is the answer.科學的證明正在打破規律的有氧訓練的方法,如果你希望減少脂肪而不是減去肌肉,希望訓練時間更短,HIIT訓練計畫(高強度的間歇訓練)是你最佳的選擇。
Less is more 少就是多
Except when it applies to things you really don't enjoy, that is. Takecardio,for example.當我們討論到你的能不會很喜歡做的事情,例如,有氧訓練。
How much cardio does it take to burn through that stubborn layer of fat lingering around your abdomen? 到底要多久的有氧訓練,才會開始燃燒那些在你的腹部囤積已久的脂肪?
Copious amounts – or at least that's what it feels like at times, since the most pervasive methodology behind fat-burning involves seemingly interminable sessions of cardiovascular activity done at a sustained rate. 有很多的文獻,至少有關於討論脂肪燃燒的。
Where cardio is concerned, the theory has always been more is more. 在討論到有氧運動時,理論總是更多。
But all that's about to change.Everything is going to change. 但是現在一切都要改變了。
What would you say if we told you that latest scientific research suggests shorter cardio sessions for crazy fat loss? 如果我告訴你,最新的文獻建議更短的有氧運動課程卻可以燃燒更多的脂肪呢?
How would you feel if you could actually end up burning more fat in the long run while holding on to more of your iron-wrought muscle? 如果你實際上可以燃燒更多的脂肪並且保持你已擁有的肌肉,你會怎麼感覺呢?
You can go ahead and smile – because it's entirely true. 你能繼續並且微笑,因為它完全真實。
High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is on the fast track to becoming the standard for steady and sustained fat loss. 高強度的間歇訓練,或稱為HIIT,就是一個成為標準可以快速的燃燒脂肪的好方法。
With HIIT, the workouts are shorter, yes, but you'll actually be working harder than the guy on the treadmill next to you. 當你進行HIIT訓練時,你的訓練時間更短,但是你得到的成果將遠大於那個在你隔壁跑步機那個辛苦跑步的人。
HIIT is what it says – high-intensity – and the results are undeniable. 我們稱HIIT是高強度的,他的結果不可否認。
If you're used to wearing a heart-rate monitor to judge the efficiency of your cardio, shelve it – you won't need it. 如果你以前習慣看跑步機上的心跳速率顯示,忘了它,因為你不需要了。
By cycling between bouts of all-out effort and short stretches of active recovery, a mirror will be all you need to gauge your progress. 在騎單車的時候,透過全力訓練和短暫伸展,只要有一面鏡子就夠了
Burning debate 燃燒脂肪吧
Bodybuilders and other have long used steady-state cardio, which involves low- to moderate-intensity exercise performed at 66%-70% of one's maximum heart rate (MHR), to whittle away bodyfat. 當你在健身的時候,舊有的建議是要你運動時達到66%-70%的最大心率(MHR),這樣就可以燃燒你的脂肪。
Trainers and other experts argue that since lower-intensity cardio exercise burns a higher percentage of fat for energy, slow and steady indeed wins the race. 當訓練者和專家爭論低強度的有氧運動可以燃燒更多的脂肪,緩慢並規律的訓練的確是有效的。
HIIT cardio, on the other hand, involves intervals of high-intensity exercise-at a rate near 90% MHR – followed by intervals of slower-paced active recovery. 另一方面,HIIT訓練要你達到90%的最大心率(MHR),並在隨後有短暫的休息。
Anecdotal reports and early research on HIIT went against the steady-state establishment, claiming that it was the superior method of cardio for losing fat. 未經證實的報告和早期的研究總是說HIIT會違反建立穩定的狀態,而這是用於減肥的有氧運動的優良的方法。
And the exercise community, likely looking for a way to collectively limit its time on a conveyor belt, felt it was time for in-depth science to put an end to the developing debate. 在運動的社群中,總是在尋找一種答案『到底要在跑步機運動多久』,所以我們感到應該結束辯論並讓實際數據說話的時候了。
What they found, time after time, was that HIIT cardio was the best way to lost fat, despite the fact that it required less total time. 他們找到的,是HIIT是最好的減肥方法,儘管事實所需的時間較少。
One of the earliest studies, done by researchers at Lavel University (Quebec), kept it basic, using two groups in a month-long experiment. 其中的一個研究,使用非常基本的方法,使用了兩組對照。
One group followed a 15-week programme using HIIT while the other performed only steady-state cardio for 20-weeks.. 實驗組使用HIIT的15周計畫,對照組使用規律訓練的20周計畫。
Proponents of steady-state training were pleased to hear that those subjects burned 15,000 calories more than their HIIT counterparts. 規律訓練的對照組成員總是很高興的聽到他們燃燒了近乎15,000卡路里,大於實驗組的成員。
Those who followed the HIIT programme, however, lost significantly more bodyfat. 但是事實上,遵循HIIT的實驗組,卻減少了更多的脂肪。
A 2001 study from East Tennessee State University demonstrated similar findings with subjects who followed an eight-week HIIT programme. 一個2001的研究關於一個8周的HIIT計畫,得到了相似的結論。
Again, HIIT proved to be the better fatburner – subject dropped 2% bodyfat over the course of the experiment. Meanwhile, those who plodded through the eight weeks on a steady-state programme lost no bodyfat. 再次,HIIT組消耗了2%的體脂肪,同時,規律訓練組卻沒有任何改變。
The most recent study, here in Australia, reported that a group of females who followed a 20-minute HIIT programme consisting of eight-second sprints followed by 12 seconds of rest lost an amazing six times more bodyfat than a group that followed a 40-minute cardio at a constant intensity of 60% MHR. 在最近一個澳洲的研究,報告那一群女性,遵循一20分鐘的HIIT計畫,由短跑8秒隨後休息12秒的方法,驚人的比遵循規律訓練40分鐘,達到60%最大心率(MHR)群組多消耗了六倍的體脂肪。
Turn Up The HIIT 轉而訓練
HIIT So what is it about HIIT cardio training that sends bodyfat to the great beyond? 所以,到底是甚麼原理,HIIT訓練可以消耗更多的脂肪?
There are actually several reasons, but the first and perhaps most important involves its effect on your metabolism. 實際上有幾個原因,但是第一個(或許是最重要的一個),就是對你的新陳代謝產生影響。
A 1996 study from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston reported that subjects who performed that subjects who performed a HIIT workout on a stationary cycle burned significantly more calories during the 24 hours following the workout than those who cycled at a moderate, steady-state intensity due to a rise in resting metabolism. 一項1996的研究指出,遵循HIIT訓練計畫可以比傳統訓練方式,在24小時內造成更高的新陳代謝,並燃燒更多的卡路里。
Since HIIT is tougher on the body, it requires more energy (read: calories) to repair itself afterwards. 因為HIIT訓練計畫使你的身體達到了極限,這代表著需要更多的能量(卡路里)來恢復身體機能。
The previously mentioned 2001 East Tennessee State study found that test subjects in the HIIT programme also burned nearly 100 more calories per day during the 24 hours after exercise. 之前提到的2001年研究中,發現HIIT訓練計畫組在運動結束24小時內,多燃燒了100卡路里。
More recently, a study presented by Florida State University researchers at 2007 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) reported that subjects who performed HIIT cardio burned almost 10% more calories during the 24 hours following exercise than a steady-state group,despite the fact that the total calories burned during each workout were the same. 最近的研就,一群佛羅里達州立大學研究人員在美國運動醫學(ACSM)的學院2007 年度會議提出 的報告,說明那些執行HIIT訓練計畫的人,在運動結束後的24小時內,比傳統訓練方式的人多燃燒近乎10%的卡路里。
Research also confirms that HIIT enhances the metabolic machinery in muscle cells that promotes fat-burning and blunts fat production. 研究也確認HIIT訓練計畫可以提升身體燃燒脂肪速度並提昇新陳代謝。
The Laval University study discovered that the HIIT subjects' muscle fibers had significantly higher markers for fat oxidation (fat-burning) than those in the steady-state exercise group. 另一項研究也指出,遵循HIIT訓練計畫的人比使用傳統訓練方法的人,肌肉細胞裡燃燒脂肪的能力較高。
And a study published in a 2007 issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology reported that young females who performed seven HIIT workouts over a two-week period experienced a 30% increase in both fat oxidation and levels of muscle enzymes that enhance fat oxidation. 並且在一項研究(2007期出版的Journal of Applied Physiology)指出,年輕的女性,進行一道兩週的HIIT訓練計畫後,脂肪的氧化作用與肌肉的酵素增加了30%。
Moreover, researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology(Trondheim) reported that subjects with metabolic syndrome –a combination of medical disorders that increases one's risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes – who followed a 16-week HIIT programme had a 100% greater decrease in the fat-producing enzyme fatty acid synthase compared to subjects who followed a programme of continuous moderate-intensity exercise. 而且,來自挪威科技大學(Trondheim)的研究人員,有代謝綜合症的被報告那的主題醫學紊亂的結合,那增加一個人的心血管的疾病和糖尿病的危險, 遵循一16周HIIT計畫有在肥胖生產酵脂肪酸synthase方面的一100%巨大減少與聽從一個連續的溫和派強烈的演習的程式的學科相比。
The bonus to all this research is discovering that shorter exercise sessions will allow you to hold on to more muscle. 好消息是,這些所有的研究指出,短的運動時間可以幫助你保留更多的肌肉。
Moreover, researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology(Trondheim) reported that subjects with metabolic syndrome –a combination of medical disorders that increases one's risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes – who followed a 16-week HIIT programme had a 100% greater decrease in the fat-producing enzyme fatty acid synthase compared to subjects who followed a programme of continuous moderate-intensity exercise. 而且,來自挪威科技大學(Trondheim)的研究人員,有代謝綜合症的被報告那的主題醫學紊亂的結合,那增加一個人的心血管的疾病和糖尿病的危險, 遵循一16周HIIT計畫有在肥胖生產酵脂肪酸synthase方面的一100%巨大減少與聽從一個連續的溫和派強烈的演習的程式的學科相比。
The bonus to all this research is discovering that shorter exercise sessions will allow you to hold on to more muscle. 好消息是,這些所有的研究指出,短的運動時間可以幫助你保留更多的肌肉。
Pro physique competitors often have to walk a fine line between just enoughand too much steady-state cardio because the usual prescription of 45-60 minutes, sometimes done twice a day precontest, can rob muscles of size and fullness. 專業的健美比賽選手,常常都必須做出抉擇,因為有時候太多的傳統有氧訓練,反而會讓他們損失已有的肌肉。
Short, hard bursts of cardio, on the other hand, will help you preserve your hard-earned muscle mass. 所以短並且高強度的訓練在另一方面可以有效保護你好不容易得來的肌肉 。
To illustrate the point, think about the size of a marathon runner's legs compared to a sprinter's leg – the sprinter, whose entire training schedule revolves around HIIT, possesses significantly more muscular thighs. 簡單的例子可以證明,快速溜冰運動員,跟一個馬拉松跑者,他們兩個人的腿的樣子,因為快速溜冰運動員的訓練進度表圍繞HIIT訓練計畫旋轉,所以他們擁有相當更肌肉的大腿。
In the event that you choose cycling as your primary method of HIIT cardio, you can usually add leg mass because of the growth-crazy, fast-twitch fibers in your thighs. 如果你選擇騎單車作為你HIIT訓練計畫的主要方法,因為肌肉會瘋狂成長,你通常能很快的增加腿部的肌肉。
HIIT could be the only way to train for people looking to lose fat while adding and/or preserving muscle mass. 所以HIIT訓練計畫就是那些指望減肥並增加或保護肌肉的人的訓練唯一方法。
Rev It Up 向上使它變速
No one enjoys doing cardio, but it's a necessary component of reaching your physique goals. 沒有人喜愛做有氧訓練,但是如果你想要達到你的理想體格,這是一個必要的過程。
But that doesn't mean it needs to be monotonous to be effective, and we've shown you the science to prove it. 但是那不意味著有效需要是單調的,我們已經在上述的文章說明並用科學證明了它。
Turing up the heat on your workouts with HIIT will keep your gym time feeling productive while speeding up your fat oxidation – and in less time than you'd normally spend doing cardio. 轉而改用HIIT訓練計畫,可以讓你用花在健身房時間變短,快速的燃燒脂肪,並且縮短有氧運動的時間。
If steady-state is the four-door saloon of cardio, HIIT is the Porsche–it's sexier, and there's enough under the bonnet to keep you blowing pastthe guy next to you. 如果說傳統的訓練方式是一個四門的房車,那HIIT訓練計畫就是保時捷,這種方式更性感,而且讓你有足夠的能力遠遠超越你隔壁那個人。
Now That You Know Which Cardio Method Works Best For Maximum Fat Loss, Combine These Tips With Your Hit Cardio To Speed Your Progress 你現在知道哪一種有氧訓練才能燃燒最多的脂肪了,結合以下的訣竅來加速你的脂肪燃燒速度。
1.Time your HITT sessions 你的HIIT訓練計畫時間
Doing cardio after weights or in the morning on an empty stomach will burnthe greatest amount of fat. 在重量訓練後或早上還沒用早餐之前做HIIT訓練計畫,可以燃燒最多的脂肪。
During both of these times your body is slightly carb-depleted, making fat the primary fuel source for energy. 在這兩個時候,因為你身體裡的碳水化合物用完了,身體會拿脂肪來燃燒當作能源供給。
2.Preserve muscle 保護肌肉
If you do cardio first thing in the morning, have a half-scoop of whey protein (about 10 grams) mixed in water or 6-10 grams of mixed amino acids before your session. 如果你在早上做HIIT訓練計畫,先喝大約大約10克的乳清蛋白質,或6-10克的乳清蛋白質混合胺基酸。
This will help ensure that your body draws most of its energy from fat and these fast-digesting supplements instead of your muscle. 這將確保你的身體會從脂肪提取能量,而不是從你的肌肉組織
3.Supplement right 正確地補充
A fat-burning stack of caffeine and carnitine will enhance the amount of fat you burn during exercise. 成份含有咖啡因和carnitine的助燃劑將會幫住你在運動期間燃燒脂肪
Take 200-400 mg of caffeine along with 1.5-3 grams of carnitine (in the form of L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine or L-carnitine L-tartrate) 30 minutes before your session. 在運動前的30分鐘,喝200-400的咖啡因加上1.5-3克的carnitine。
4.Make it an uphill climb 攀越巔峰
Consider working hills into your HITT cardio to add more detail to your hams and glutes. 考慮將『坡度』成為你的HIIT訓練計畫的一部分,例如街道的上坡。註:坡度可視為阻力
If you don't have hills available, adjust the incline on a treadmill to simulate it. 如果你沒有可以使用的坡度,試著在可以調整坡度的跑步機上試試
Be sure to drop the incline to level, or zero, during low-intensity intervals. 但記得要將坡度調回水平或零,當你在低強度的間隔時
5.Get in and out 開始跟結束
Limit HIIT cardio sessions to 20-30 minutes to maximize intensity while actually aiding muscle growth and preventing muscle loss. 將你的HIIT訓練計畫完成在20-30 分鐘內,可以實際上幫助肌肉發展並且防止肌肉損失。
6.Adjust for the lag 適應速度
During intervals on a treadmill, there will be a slight time-lag as the machine adjusts to the change in speed: by the time the treadmill is up to running speed, the fast interval portion is almost over. 在跑步機上練習時,會有機器調整的適應時間,當跑步機速度提升到快跑時(因為跑步機慢慢提昇),你得在這個時候跑的更快(不然快跑時間很快就結束了)。
To keep your intensity high, begin the sprint portion of the interval when the machine has reached your target speed. 你必須保持你的高強度,你必須確定你已經開始短跑,當機器已經達到你的目標速度時。
You can do this by counting seconds once the target speed is reached, or by straddling the sides of the treadmill as it gets up to speed. 你可以利用數秒的方式來確認跑步機需要多少時間才能從慢速調整至快速,這樣你就可以進一步確認你的計畫。
Intensity Time =======Warm-up暖身 2-3 min.
Sprint衝刺 10 sec.Slow walk慢步走 20 sec.
Sprint衝刺 10 sec. Slow walk慢步走 20 sec.
Sprint衝刺 10 sec. Slow walk慢步走 20 sec.
Sprint衝刺 10 sec. Slow walk慢步走 20 sec.
Perform circuit seven times for 14 minutes total 重複這個循環直到總運動時間為14分鐘 Slow walk 2-3 min. 慢步走(休息) 2-3分鐘 TOTAL: 18-20 MINUTES 總運動時間:18-20分鐘


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2014年3月28日 星期五

力量的迷思「大力」從何來 ?




為何會有這看法?皆因由街頭健身street workout 引起。在YouTube 觀看了很多影片,有很多令我嘩然:「可以大力到咁既?無野嗎....單手引體輕易易舉,人體旗幟隨風漂移」還有一系列高難度動作.....而訓練只需要一支bar,配合自己體重(進階的更加會負重進行)。

影片主角FRANK MEDRANO 示範出力量、靈敏、拹調、平衡感的平衡結合。




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2014年3月26日 星期三

明確的目標,可見的結果---李小龍《我的明確目標》"MY DEFINITE CHIEF AIM" BRUCE LEE

1969年一月,李小龍正值二十八歲。演藝事業未見起色,第二個孩子李香凝剛好出世,家庭狀況足襟見肘。為維持生計,小龍曾一度想過離開荷理活,而去做護衛,但被Linda 說服而打消念頭。



I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness. 

Bruce Lee
Jan. 1969


2014年3月25日 星期二



李小龍再次回到出生地美國三年後,已知道日後自己應之路,以下書信是他自己的宏願白紙黑字寫下來,告知好友 曹敏儀(Pearl Tso ——曹達華女兒),日期是一九六二年九月,大家看看未滿二十二崴的李小龍的志向如何..

這信不太容易看得懂 信裏包含我的夢想和想法。 括來說,你可稱之為我的生活方式。 這信恐怕會令人迷惑,因為這是很難將我的感覺準確地寫下來,但我仍然要寫下來告訴你。 我盡所能清晰地寫清楚,亦希望你不抱任何成見來看這封信,在還沒看畢全信前勿妄下斷語。

在這裡要生活好,只有兩條途徑。第一是辛勤地工作,第二是運用想像力(當然也要工作)。事實上,努力工作的確可以換來相當資產,但就財富的意義來說,要能想到別人所沒有想到過的事情,才能致富。在各行各業裏,美國人渴求的是創意;創意令美國擁有如斯地位,而只要有一個好的創意,就能使人隨心所欲 °

功夫是我生活的一部分。這門藝術對我的性格和思想的形成影響深遠。 我練習功夫,是把功夫看作實質文化的一部分、一種精神修練的方式、一種自衛防身的方法,以及生活之道。 功夫是武術中最了不起的。 源於中國的柔道和空手道,雖然風靡全美,卻只是功夫的一些基本東西而已。其所以能夠流行,是因為沒有人聽到過更高深的技藝,當然也沒有人教這些.....我相信多年來的鍛鍊,使我有資格成為教授這門技藝的第一人。我還需要更多的時間來改進我的技巧和性格。所以,我的目標是開設第一所功夫學院,希望將來能遍設全美國各地(我訂下十至十五年來完成這計劃) 我要完成此事的原因不單只是要賺錢。 我的動機很多,包括:我想讓全世界知道這門中國國粹的偉大;我喜歡教導和幫助別人;我喜歡家人分享我的成果;我喜歡創新;最後也是最重要的一點:功夫是自己的一部分。

我知我的想法是對的,因此結果也將會令人滿意。我不太在意回報如何,主要是組織如何去行動。我的回報和成就是由我的投入程度來衡量.. °

電機天才查理士,史坦門士博士(Dr. Charles P.Steinmetz)生前,曾經有人問他:「在未來的二十五年裹,哪一門的科學發展最大?」他停下來想了好幾分鐘,然後很快地回答道:「精神上的領悟。」.一個人能了解在他體內精神的力量有多麼大,而且能將這種力量用在科學.商業和用在生活的話,將來他的發展就是無可比擬的。




總而言之,我的計劃和所為是為了尋找人生的真正意義內在的平和 。我知道我剛才所說的加在一起.不等同內心的平和。無論如何,假如我獻出所有來自我完成,而不只是思想上的鬥爭,這是可行的 。為了達到這份內心的平和,道家和禪學的超然教誨都別具價.....



2014年3月21日 星期五

「我是誰?」李小龍 Who am I ? by Bruce Lee









































High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 高強度間歇訓練(1)

資料來源: PTT看板: FITNESS/作者: reneeviolet (No me ames) 

高強度間歇訓練(high intensity interval training, HIIT)- 科學的證明正在打破規律的有氧訓練的方法,如果你希望減少脂肪而不是減去肌肉,希望訓練時間更短,HIIT訓練計畫(高強度的間歇訓練)是你最佳的選擇。

Less is more 少就是多!











HIIT Cardio Workout - Tabata High Intensity Interval Training

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